Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker

Hello to all I finally have over 150 hours logged on these new Tekton Pendragon-SE about the 120 hr mark with low SPL we decided to open up the volume These -SEs are now starting to open up.
I listened for detecting the crossover points hearing port noise, as we'll aberrations in the voicing-None
Sonicly these loudspeakers are a Revelation - Exceptionally well deigned and voiced. Eric hit this one out of the park my compliments. My brother and 2 friends who are casual listeners were totally draw in .
From Oldies Xmas soungs to Many rock and roll cuts all flac files on my HD. I also need to mention
The speakers are a Fantastic combination of real Earthy natural presentation
Warm in a Very natural perspective .listening to Ottmar Liebert on guitar you can here the reverb from the body if the guitar and feel the fingers sliding off the guitar strings. My brother mentioned listening to ELP
Lucky man album take pebble which was in a cave the drops of water you can clearly hear, with the echo
From the splash as the drop hits the water is better then we have heard Ever.and the drivers still have several days more to runin, the capacitors still have a solid week to fully runin.
A match made in Heaven. How could I not help to promote thesewith this much coherent in music and dynamics , Excellent front to back layering and a Huge cavernous soundstage .what started as a 6 song audition turned into a 4 hour music request.
I will say without reservation my brothers Big Pass Labs amplifier was an incredible match with
The Pendragon -SE ,one More thing the Bass at 120 hours is taught fast and and as tight as a new pair of jeans ! I have had many loudspeakers much more expensive .I can say without reservation the musicality and cohesiveness
Have no competition even at 2 times he money's. take a Maggie 3.7 give it more dynamics, and solid Bass
And it Would be close. The Tekton Pendragon SE is a rare breed and from mine and several observers
An exceptional value even against loudspeakers costing more the double there're price..
Tektons owner and designer Eric Alexander has hit this Pendragon -SE out of the park HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !! P.s if any one is in or coming to the Massachustts area message me for a listen.
Thanks for the input. A couple people have mentioned the possibility of the Pendragon SE's bass overloading the room. Everything else about them sounds very appealing, but perhaps I need to cross those off the list? I know they were designed for smaller rooms, but possibly not as small as mine.

The other concern just raised was that unlike the original Pendragons, they are 4 ohms, which I didn't realize, and that can cause issues for SET amps.

As for the Lores as an option, those simply aren't capable of delivering what I want, unfortunately. I will now probably consider the Zu Omen Defs instead. I've already been told those will work well in my room.
Why aren't the Lores capable of delivering what you want? You mean in terms of "big" sound? I would beg to differ as an owner of Lores in a 12x22ft room. I get sound as big as I could want in that environment. But then, I don't really know what you mean by "big" sound. You mean in terms of size of soundstage? Or just volume? Dynamics? In any of those senses, Lore is exceptional for the price.
No question the Lore is exceptional for the price. I'm sure they sound excellent in your room. However, I'm looking for something with a comparable soundstage, overall depth of sound and presentation to what I experienced with the Harbeth 40.1's, and the Gallo REF 3.5's in my room, when I had the chance to audition them. The Pendragon SE may manage it, but realistically, that's asking more of the Lores than is even remotely fair. You're comparing them to speakers at seven to more than ten times the price.
First, I think you may be underestimating the ability of the Lores to pressurize your small room. Second, I would be careful basing your conclusions on price.