sorry for the delay in my response, it's been a busy busy time.
i'm am not that knowledgable about the challenges of the PC environment....but i am quite skeptical that any hard drive can compete with the best optical drives.....particularly after living with the Playback Designs.
there is another factor which affects how i feel on this subject; which i bring up at the risk of de-railing this thread. that is how the tourmaline hair dryer tweak affects any digital disc performance. i seriously doubt any sort of hard drive server based digital or even a 'so-called' Memory Player can compete.
anyway; the bar is set very high for server based digital to reach.
i do see many logistical reasons for using a music server and do plan to pursue this direction myself to see what is possible.
sorry for the delay in my response, it's been a busy busy time.
i'm am not that knowledgable about the challenges of the PC environment....but i am quite skeptical that any hard drive can compete with the best optical drives.....particularly after living with the Playback Designs.
there is another factor which affects how i feel on this subject; which i bring up at the risk of de-railing this thread. that is how the tourmaline hair dryer tweak affects any digital disc performance. i seriously doubt any sort of hard drive server based digital or even a 'so-called' Memory Player can compete.
anyway; the bar is set very high for server based digital to reach.
i do see many logistical reasons for using a music server and do plan to pursue this direction myself to see what is possible.