Hello all! Sorry that I have been away from the fourms for awhile. My daughter was born about 14 weeks ago and takes priority.
What I can say is that I too have experienced that the Spectron Musician III Signature definitely improves with at least three to four weeks of burn-in/listening.
Here is my current setup:
-Underwood Hi-Fi Modded Denon 3910 Player (replaced my Meridian 800)
-Modded Theta GEN VIII DAC w/volume control. (Modded by The Upgrade Co.)
-Spectron Musician III Signature Amplifier
-MBL 111E Radialstrahler Speakers
-MIT MH-750 Shotgun Bi-Wire Speaker Cables (soon to be replaced by Spectron Remote Sense Cables)
-"Musician" power cord with the upgraded gold wattgate plugs from www.mr-cable.com
To answer Owenmd 's question about the JC-1's vs. Spectron M3 Sig.
While I think that the JC-1's (especially modified) are excellent amplifiers in their own right, the Spectron simply sounds cleaner and more open and has a substantially better sound with regard to the micro details in the crucial upper midrange and highs.
I also preferred my Pass Labs X-600 Monoblocks to the JC-1's for this reason. The X-600's are amazing amplifiers but they lack the warmth and open feeling of earlier Pass Aleph designs. It was my original intention to move to the Pass X-600.5 Monos at $18000.00/pr until I auditioned the Spectron Musician III Signature.
If you look at my Audiogon sales history, you will see that I sold my X-600's once my Spectron arrived.
It is amazing that this little cool running, under 60lb. powerhouse can outperform monster Monoblocks in the $15,000-$30,000 range. I am still stunned! My guests make comments like: "That little amplifier is powering your MBL's???" I think that they think I have some big monoblocks hidden somewhere behind my equipment rack.
If you won't take my word for it, then simply give a Spectron Musician III Signature edition a trial run in your system. You will not return it. Fortunately I have mine already, hurry up and get yours before they realize how good their product is and they start charging more!