Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I owned the Diamond+ pure silver loudspeaker cable from 1999-2000. After this I bought the Nordost Valhalla. And I kept it for 12 years of time.

I sold Audioquest from 1998-2004. After that it went of the radar. I had to wait for some Kimber slect cables and I lend some Audioquest interconnects in 2010. When the Kimber came I realized that Audioquest made a big step.

After this I sold the Kimber select cables in one week of time. And started to buy and sell Audioquest again.

These days it is by far the most important brand in cables for me. Because it gives me the best results. Only those really counts!!
Bo1972, I also sell popular products at my retail spot and can understand your points. It's the best bait for uneducated consumer!

By analogy, my consumers like to buy Madonna, Michael Jackson, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd and so on...
Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Nat King Cole, Julie London, jazz of any kind will most-likely stay on shelves substantially longer and those are for educated consumers that know about music more than just popular stuff.

It's all natural. Well marketted product such as Nordost, AudioQuest will sell good weather it makes or it doesn't make sense.

Taking the fact that wires can only dictate 1% of overall system performance, the dumb ballpark figure to invest into wires should be very close to that ratio. For system priced $10,000 the total price for wires should be somewhere close to $100. My system is a-bit bellow $10k worth, but wires total worth is $185 including speaker wires(BTW unterminated Kimber 8TC purchased as left-over bulk). My wire philosophy is tied mostly with pro-grade. Ones used in studios will bring the sound with most precision and with least investment giving the largest performance per dollar IMHO.
"Taking the fact that wires can only dictate 1% of overall system performance "

were can I read these facts. In my opinion facts are what you hear. That is why I love blind tests.

In the past I did many with amps and sources. In the past I Always compared a more expensive amp or source with a cheap powercable and a source or amp often half of the price of the other amp or source with a very expensive powercable. I Always used about the same value togheter.

Many people Always thought they would choose for the more expensive poweramp or source. In almost all situations it was the opposite. It is about the sound what you hear.

I sell by comparing. I create a 3 d sound and an extreme physical stage. I can send all clients to every single shop. In almost all situations they sell 2D sound. There lack of knowledge and insight in sound is what it makes so easy for me.

Many people in this business do not invest time in getting familiar with new stuff and improving their knowledge.
All dealers are good in convincing.
With great components different wires bring different colors and sound different far not due to the price level but due to electric properties achievable even with ones from radioshack or home depot. i did research on wires used during some of my favorite recordings and none of them used neither nordost, audioquest, siltech, harmonic or shaniata. do you think that recording engineers don't know about wire quality and performance?
Audio is not about brands. Audio is all about creating the best and most convincing sound.

I give you an example. When I was at my friends house in his small concertroom, I was stunned about the intimate sound of an voice. It felt like a magnet. It got my full attention. Small and intimate individual focus is a very important part in the emotion music can give. That is why instruments and voices out of proportion are less involving. This is a very important part for realistic sound. I put a lot of afford to create this in every single system.

When a system goes deeper there is more information and low freq. have a big influence on our emotion. This is what I use for what I call Total sound.

A 3 d sound sets all instruments and voices physically loose from eachtoher. This is also a very important part to make music more realistic and involving.

A higher black level make your speakers more dissapear. This also creates a more involving sound.

Sound realism is maybe the most important part in audio regarding emotion. A violin and cello can give a very involving emotional sound in real. So you want an instrument to sound as realistic possible.

I prefer Pass Labs because their class A give a very realistic sound. But in drive and speed it is more complete than many tube amps. That is why I personally find it more complete than most tube amps.

All parts togheter creates an involving sound what you want to listen for many hours a day with your beloved music.

It is my focus to give clients an endresult in sound were they want to listen for hours a day.

In 16 years of time I know that a lot more people have sets which are incomplete and often they are not satisfied.

This needs to change. That is why a more open and transparent advise in audio is a pre.

The quality needs to get higher to give people more satisfaction in music. It is that simple!