Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
Dose doods probably have wealthy parents. It often implies to laziness to analyze and research instead of simply throwing money away.
There is one thing in Audio for sure: expensive audio does not garantee you a stunning endresult. You can spend a lot of money on audio but at the end it is not that impressive.

From 2005-2007 I did visit many people with expensive sets. They had one thing in common; the endresult was often not that good.

Is there a reason for why it is not that good? Yesss there is. Many people who have audio as a hobby think they know a lot about audio. But in real they don't.

When you do not know the properties of every single part in your system, you don't understand how the stage and overwhole sound is created.

Often all the different properties togheter are incomplete or do not match. For me it is clear why it won't work. Often they don't understand why.

They tweak often with cables. But when the speakers with the amp and source are incomplete or do not match it is difficult to achieve a good endresult.

People will come in what I call a circle. Then audio is not that fun anymore. They change parts all the time but cannot get a sound what they hope for.

When people spend more money audio get's even more difficult. Because your demands are getting higher.

Audio is all about the art of sound. Making the right combinations. This is based on using the right properties togheter of all the different tools you have in your set.
Bo1972, I must say that your quest is impressive, but I doubt if anyone has information about the right combinations to achieve the best sound. There are just too many combinations. No one has heard all the different cables that are available, nor all the different speakers, amps, etc. No one has heard all the permutations of these choices, much less know all the taste differences among audiophiles, much less how bad or good their listening rooms are.

Yours is a good sales pitch but hardly convincing. It is much better to have friends who have sought good sound and follow some of their suggestions to see if they help you.
When I visit a client I know in a few seconds with my own music what is missing and what is there.

I can listen to all different parts which needs to be there for what I call Total Sound in a few seconds.

Here on Audiogon it are words. As I said many times; I am a lot better in sound than in words. I only make remarks when I am 100% sure that it is as I wrote it.

As a perfectionist it needs to be exactly as what I said. Because there is no room for error.

The biggest difference is that my focus is Always on the endresult. To all those who buy just one tool from me I want to know the sound they have at home. I try to visit as may clients as possible.

I did hear a lot, but you never can hear everything. But what I do in these situations is that I try to make myself known with the properties of the different tools.

Audio for me it about properties. Because this gives by far the best endresults.

When you create all the parts for Total sound you get a addictive overwhole sound. That is what I do. I can send clients to all other shops because it is Always less convincing and often less complete.

Many clients ask how come that my sound is so much more entertaining and addictive to listen at?

It is very easy to answer; It is more complete. Because the parts I put into a system all have a positive influence on our emotion. That is why I let people listen between 2 and 3 dimensional sound. This difference is huge. That is why I send clients to other shops all the time. In above 90% they sell 2 dimensional sound.

They make it easy to compete. It is a lot more than only the 3 dimensional sound. All the other parts are also important. Because you listen to all parts togheter including the acoustics.

When you have my knowledge and insight you can adapt a lot quicker than other people can. This gets you to a higher endresult all the time.

When I am at a show within 10 seconds with my own music I can describe exactley what is missing regarding to all parts for Total sound.

This is what I do, I explain what is missing. Also to my clients. After this I put in those properties which are missing. For me it is that easy!
When I visit a client I know in a few seconds with my own music what is missing and what is there.

When you visit me, you would NEVER know with YOUR own music what is missing and what is there.
Only I know with MY OWN music what's there or what's not.