Richmond VA

Anyone interested in starting an audio club in Richmond VA
Mr. Fonda,
We do have a very active Audio Club in Richmond now. Our next meeting is on Sept. 24th and will feature some DIY stuff and turntable set up, etc.
The Richmond Audio Society web site has been revised as we work on better communicating with our members and prospective members. We welcome suggestions on how to improve what we're doing!

If you're in central Virginia, please join us at an upcoming meeting.
The next Richmond Audio Society meeting will be an afternoon of visiting several membersÂ’ systems. We will all gather at a starting location, then split into smaller groups to visit the homes of our hosts, each group starting with a different host and then rotating.

Saturday, May 15, 2010 beginning at 12:00

If you're interested in joining us, please contact us through our web site at:

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