Right tuner for the job

Hello, I have 3 son's at home who use my stereo system. I need a recommendation for a tuner that has preset buttons so my guys are not constantly using the tuning dial to find their favorite stations. What's a good tuner that offers station preset buttons on front? Thanks.
You might want to try the Fanfare or Audiolab tuners. Great for your sons and probably good enough for you too.

Can you give us a bit more info, such as:
1. Do you intend to use the tuner for critical listening, or will it be used mainly for casual listening?
2. How much are you willing to spend, and are you willing to buy a used tuner?
3. How good is the rest of your system that will be used with the tuner?
4. Do you want a tuner that has both FM and AM capability?
5. Do you want an analog tuner, or is a "digital" tuner OK?
6. Will you be using the tuner to get distant stations?
7. How good is the local radio programming where you live?

With this info, it will be easier to offer some good suggestions about which tuner to buy.
I've had/have several tuners- MAC 1700(RCV), Mac MR 73, Pioneer tx 6200, Scott LT-112B, Sansui 717, Scott tube mono, Fisher 500, 400 , 800 etc. I found the SS tuners to have better resolution and extension than tubes. Some of the more pricely tuners don't sound any better. So try a tuner from the 60's,70's or 80's. when they made the best ones. Also some vintage RCV sound great. Bottom line, radio sucks so don't go crazt spending mega bucks. pick one up at a garage sale for $5.00 & have fun !
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