Ringmat vs. Linn felt mat

as a linn 12 user, i am thinking to buy a linn felt mat, but many friends told me Ringmat MKII is the only way for after market mat?
thanks for your input

ps. where can I buy the best price linn felt mat?
Having had the great Linn LP 12 ...I tried the "RingMat"...but went back to the origional felt math. For some strange reason...the simple stuff works best on the Linn?
The Linn platter rings like a bell. The felt damps the ringing in just the right way. Other materials are not as effective at this.
Felt gets my vote. Still waiting for a response to the question in the post: where is the best place to buy a new original Linn felt mat (?).
Check this cheap alternative out:


they have them for $5

I vote for sticking with the felt mat for the Linn.