Risk in airshipping of speakers - experiences?

Dear All if i will airfreight speakers from USA to Europe, which potential risk can occour ??
Have you experience in this ??
Positive, negative ??
Will you do it again or too risky ??
I had some Montana SPX speakers shipped from CA to NY via airfreight. They were housed in the original wood crates (2" x 3" bracing with 1/2" partical board covering). The speakers were cushioned with packing material on all sides and set firmly in the container (fastened by screws). Aside from the cost of shipping it was a trouble free trip.
You should look into the damage policy of the airline you choose and maybe some form of insurance.
Why not ask a distributor in Europe who ships his speakers from the US. Ask them how they ship and if they encounter problems. I think air freight would be better than putting it on a container ship, but a distributor would know better.