Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2021

This show seems to be on track to be held in Denver CO Oct 8-10 at the Gaylord Convention Center.

Wondering if past attendees would comment on if they felt going to this show, at this venue is worthwhile as a hifi hobbyist. 

I have read the site is nice but very spread out, resulting long walks, elevator rides, long lines.  Of course the virus situation might change some of this.

As I am getting back into this to upgrade my system, I am thinking about attending.
May fly up and check it out. If the state don’t shut down due to the D Variant of COVID.

Yes. I have attended every year since the first show. This will be the first year that I will not be attending due to health issues, but I am ok with it. I have spent enough so far that I don’t need the temptation!
Two years ago they move down to the Gaylord which was a vast improvement over the Marriott. The only down side is, the Gaylord is huge and they had it spread seemingly to all the far reaches of the complex and I seriously think I walked 3 or more miles back and forth.  But if you haven’t been, you owe it to yourself to go, I will miss the conversation and learning experience in talking to the manufacture reps. Plus if you haven’t ever been to a Gaylord, that’s an experience in itself.
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