Rogue amps-- try 5751 instead of 12ax7

I have an Atlas and just swapped out the pair of 12ax7s for 5751s and it's amazing to me the transformation. The Rogue (which I run with KT90s, biased up a bit) has been incredibly detailed for me, good bass, very transparent and I've loved it. Adding the 5751 (Raytheon windmill getters) has injected this really cool vintage-y tone and an incredible soundstage depth.... definitely at the expense of some punchyness in the bass but it's a very worthwhile trade off to me. I recommend giving it a try.
Here's a copy of what I posted a little while back concerning my "tube swapping" for my Rogie Audio Cronus. Mark and Nick at Rogue have always been extremely helpful. My system makes beautiful music.......
04-03-11: Adam18

For me, my Cronus, being fed by my Rega P3-24/Exact 2/TTPSU and Rotel RCD-1072, through my Vandersteens, sounds better after I did the following : an RCA NOS 5814 to replace the center EH 12AU7 gain stage tube, a pair of GE NOS Five Star 5751 "goldpins" to replace the Sovtek 12AX7 input tubes, and a pair of GE NOS 12AU7A's to replace the EH 12AU7 driver tubes. I then replaced the original Svetlana EL-34's with a beautiful matched quad of Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's.

All this "tube rolling" was done after some pretty nice conversations with Mark and Nick at Rogue Audio, and I'm glad I followed their advice. They are a pleasure to work with.
So, Dhcod..... I'm glad you're enjoying your Atlas. Happy Listening !
I use GE triple mica black plate 5751's and made a big difference in my Tempest II. The Sovtek 12AX7's sounded fuzzy and the GE's sound much more focused and clear.
Hi Facten,

Just to make it clear, I was talking about KT77 not KT88. KT77 are an exact equivalent of the EL34. I have no experience regarding Genalex KT88.

Since you suggest me the Shuguang Black Treasures El34, I'll consider them and maybe give them a try someday.

Sebastien1 - yes realized you were interested in the KT77s not the 88s was just trying to give you a sense of a possible alternative based upon what I'm hearing when comparing the 2 KT88s - enjoy!
On my M180s I was using an RCA 5751 and RCA clear tops in the 12AU7 position. That combination worked great with my monitor speakers. I later went to larger, 3-way speakers and it didn't sound good. I replaced the 5751 with a Telefunken 12AX7 ribbed plate and the improvment in dynamics was incredibly better. I subsequently put Telefunken ribbed plates in the 12AU7 positions and the clarity of the system has been greatly improved.

When I originally went with the 5751's I chose them over a Telefunken 12AX7 smooth plate. With the monitor speakers I had at the time I liked the 5751 better, but with the change in my system the all Telefunken set is working really well. That's just my experience with my system.