Rogue M-180 vs BAT vk150se

I would like some opinions on the Rogue M-180 monoblocks vs BAT vk150SE. Speakers are Revel Salon 2. Preamp is Classe CP-800 (which I love), but I will be adding a tube preamp into the rotation (likely the Cary SLP-05, but I am looking at offerings from PrimaLuna, BAT and Rogue).
Sources: OPPO-95, Mac Mini running Amerra, Rega RP3 w/black ortofon m2, squeezebox.

Looking to add warmth, liquid midrange and ever so slightly soften the highs on some recordings.
I would think the BAT is quite a step above the Rogue, unfortunately they require a lot more maintenance and know how to get their full potential, these amps are difinitely not plug and play units. For one thing they could be over 10 years old, right off the bat I would recommend replacing the .22 oil caps which can be expensive and also changing every electrolytic cap in the unit. Then they require a minimum 20 amp dedicated circuit each to get a glimpse of their potential. If you want to get what I feel to be one of the best amps out there even in today's market, i'd say go for it, but if you are not in the position to do the above changes go with the Rogue.
I own revel f32s with rogue 180s, and I am considering bi amping with rogues on top and solid state on the bass. the rogues are great amps, but revels need solid state for bass control. The salons need lots of current to open up and for proper bass .
Chrissain - what are you thinking of putting on the bottom? Something like a big McIntosh SS amp?
Btselect - outside the BAT/Rogue 180's - do you have any other suggestions that I should look at for my setup? I've been reading lots about the McIntosh Mc2301 amps - but that is big time $$.

Now that I have made the decision to go all tube....I'll admit, my head is spinning trying to find a top notch tube amp and tube preamp. I've read good things about the McIntosh Mc2300 preamp....and the Cary SLP-05. The BAT preamps get mixed reviews....


the bat is not above rogue, in my experience the rogues are more neutral sounding. what I am going to do is get the dspeaker dual core digital eq pre and probably a parasound solid state amp. the bass drivers from 190 hertz on down, will be digitally room EQd with solid state controll, while the rogues will only be powering the mid range on up . my room is small and has some not so nice sounding peaks, and I know this will help. The para sound amps are dc coupled, bi polar hi current amps, and this will really help with controlling the revel bass drivers, and the dual core will digitally EQ the peaks out.