Roku SoundBridge vs. SqueezBox3

Has anyone compared to two. I am seriously looking the Roku as it works with MusicMatch. This unit will be connected via ethernet to a DAC.

Thank you for your input.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
i'm looking into the sb3 option. it appears to be most popular around here. no first hand knowledge though.
I went with the SB2 and SB3 because of the slimserver freeware. But I prefer the larger Roku Display. I'm having one of my squeezebox modified. The DAC's in the SB2/3 are quite good and even better modified. has some discussions under Boulder Audio and Red Wine forums (both modders)
Wireless is not cool! Why on earth would you want to bombard your home with microwave frequencies? 802.11g operates on the exact same frequency you cook your food with in a microwave oven. Not to mention the fact that wireless networks are the easiest to hack. You would be much better off using a UBS Dac or a high quality PCI sound card to deliver SPDIF.