rookie drunk move

drinking beers and screwing around with wiring... prob lots of horror stories from that combo that would be an interesting topic for another thread. For me, i was re-wiring my speakers when i realized afterward that the amps were still on (Nuforce Ref 8). Luckily, everything appears to be working. However, i THINK i notice a slight degradation in sound. So my, i guess, somewhat newb question is this..if everything appears to be working and no definitive loss, am i just psyching myself out in hearing 'lesser' sound because I know what I did? Guess what i'm asking is -- do amps either work or not, and not capable of 'slight' degradation in sound due to something like what i did.
I remember a mishap with trying to change some tubes once in an Avatar amplifier while enjoying the "grape"...never again.
The only good news was..."Everyone Lived".
Jim Gandolfini, an old customer of mine could do public service announcements'...

"Youse knows men,
This holiday season, a lot of you will be tempted to just have one more and then climb in to the 'wire management seat' or the 'tube rolling seat--well, DON'T, Badabing!! 'Caus' you or your loved ones, your VAC preamp, your Tenor amp could become a casualty this Labor Day. So we've set up a hotline for you to call. If you get the urge to rearrange or tube roll while drinking just call, 1-800-MEDRUNK, or 1-800-MYAUDIO, and a 'roller or wireman' will come to your door.
Omniscient Voice of James Earl Jones. "Remember, Don't Drink and Wire". This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by:

'theaudiopreventionsocietyofamericaknowingthatmostofyoudrinkwhilelisteningtomusicandthentrytorollorrearangeshit' Group.
Been there... done that. Try moving your fully aktiv tri-amped linn system around after a few too many adult beverages...I nearly hung myself with all those damned cables! :)
Lrsky, love it. "My name is Tholt, and I'm a Wireaholic". I'm sure everyone's got a story or 10.