Room correction altering soundstage

I purchased a Tact 2.0 room correction processor two months ago. after setup and listening, I really like how the processed curves tame the boomy bass, but I have lost the middle of the sound stage. Vocals for instance, which unprocessed, are centered, now come from each speaker with a disconcerting reverb effect. I suspect the delay programmed in during setup (18 ms) to be the culprit. Does anyone know if 18 ms delay between speakers is enough to produce audible effects?

Thanks in advance,

I agree with GMC that one of the speakers may be out of phase with the other. On the other hand...

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that one of the speakers has 18ms of delay relative to the other speaker. If that is correct, then I think that could be causing both your imaging problem and the "reverb" effect you described. Why don't you try reducing the delay in increments of, say, 4ms and see if anything improves.

BTW, 18ms seems like a lot. Can you describe your room and speaker layout? Is it highly asymmetrical?

The Tact 2.0 is finicky to set up. Redo your initial audio test signals and see if you can replicate what you're now hearing.
Most people will tell you that a fraction of an inch difference in the distance from each speaker cam affect imaging. An 18 mS delay is equivalent to moving the speaker about 18 feet further away than the other one so yes, that would easily be audible. Can't you just turn off or adjust the delay and see what happens?
