Room size and floor standing speakers

Hi there,
I am looking to the future when I may want to go with a floor standing speaker. I have a monitor right now and it sounds great, but...

My room size ir 22L*13W*8H. Is this big enough to fit a floor stander. I've read on some other forums that fitting to big a speaker into small space is just not great.

Any feedback would be great.

My room is 22Lx14Wx20+H. Other than the height, it is almost identical to yours. I have my speakers placed along the long wall about 10' apart and have only used floor standers. However, I have selected speakers that want to be positioned very close to the wall - within inches. It works great.
Should be no problem as long as the speakers do not need to be placed too far from the backwall.
I have Sonus Faber Stradavari's in my office (12.5' W X 21" L X 8.5' H) & they sound fantastic!
You do not want the floorstanding speakers closer than 10' to your listening position or they will be in your face.
12' to 14' should work out very well.
Make sure the speakers you audition are not too deep (18" maximum) & need less than 4' from the backwall.
In the very same room I have had Wilson Watt Puppy 6's & SF Amati's & the all sounded great.
Your room is probably close to average. Yes, it's true that speakers that are too big for a room can cause problems. You should be just fine with many floorstanders.