Try the 45 degree or angle speaker placement.
Go to the DecWare site, and look at the section on room tuning.
You can tame a bad room with this technique,and use a minimal amount or no dampening at all.
Your speakers are not too big for the room.
I know most people aren't familiar with this type of speaker placement and it appears odd as most like the conventional type speaker placement .
But what are you after, style or sound?
This is audio, not home decor.
Go to the DecWare site, and look at the section on room tuning.
You can tame a bad room with this technique,and use a minimal amount or no dampening at all.
Your speakers are not too big for the room.
I know most people aren't familiar with this type of speaker placement and it appears odd as most like the conventional type speaker placement .
But what are you after, style or sound?
This is audio, not home decor.