The grand veenas are still here and sounding the best yet.
I've made some changes, I use a 2 watt Decware zen select amp, a Manley Steelhead for the phono and line option for the Audio Aero cd player and I've wired up with Nordost Heimdal speaker wire and interconnects and the Norse jumpers.
All of this made for better sound(to my ears) than what I was using before,but things really snapped into focus when I got a Grand Prix Lemans se equipment rack and then moved my speakers and listening to the diagonal.
This was the coup de gras in my small room,11.6 x 22 x 8.
It took the " I think this is better" to "I know this is much better".
When I think of all the money and good gear that has passed in and out of this and the big room,I have to sigh.
I never really got the full measure of how good some of that stuff was, because what always remained a constant was "the room" and setting my system up in the conventional way.
As I said it also worked for a friend of mine, and he is very happy that he tried this arrangement.
In his case he says it's brought the magic back to his listening that he said vanished a few years ago when he changed houses, and a lot of gear.
It's so simple to do, and costs nothing but perhaps the curious looks of some of your audio friends.
But it's worth it.