Roon Streaming Service actually Degrades the sound

The purpose of this post is to put pressure on the Roon engineers

to make Roon a better product. How do I know Roon is less than ideal?

From a streamer maker who has the highest standards and 

consequently refuses to go the Roon route. As he put it "I experiment with

my prototype and eliminate everything which holds the best sound back".

Sad to say he rejected Roon for exactly this reason.

I use Roon and do not want to learn a different, worse program.

Hence I want Roon to get better. Anyone listening Roon Folk?




Disclaimer: those who believe digital is zeroes and ones, “bit perfect” know-it-alls experts, either it works or does not, please do no read, and ignore:


Roon network protocol,RAAT (Roon Advanced Audio Transport) is somewhat primitive, old, and been around for a while.

While it has been patched over several software updates, still a bit long in the tooth. I have heard from people well versed in network topology that it imposes very strict / hard demands to various network components comprising the streaming audio chain, with potential impact to SQ. Stressing “potential” here.


So here is that. I have a very strong feeling Roon folks know this, and likely address it in the next couple of years. Here is to RAAT 2.0!!

I think they already are addressing it. There is a beta that lifetime subscribers have been invited to try. Most of it is cosmetic or has to do with the UI, but one paragraph in the notes says this;

We’ve made changes to Roon’s buffering and caching infrastructure when playing streaming content. The new implementation is designed to use a lighter touch when interacting with your network and internet connection, making streaming less intensive for your Roon Core.

Most folks running Roon cant compare it to something else so they wont know how if affects SQ.  Roon on an Innuos server in Experimental mode easily bests Roon.


My experience is Innuos Sense is much better than Experimental mode, big drop  in noise floor.


I do miss Roons functionality but not its sound.

Used to just have a node 2i outputting to a mc2500 and mc 75 monoblocks, Sonus Faber speakers, and Rhythmic subwoofers.

Then decided to get a Small Green Machine transport for Roon core, a Sonore UltraRendu as a player and a Mytec Dac+...
...all I can say is the the sound quality took perceptive leaps in improvement.

I am a Roon fan.  Also I do not "mid" MQA.



Aclinic, thanks for your input. I was hoping someone would have a good suggestion.

I too love the way Roon works but I do not want sub par SQ in exchange

for a paid service.

As you can read most users are unaware of this situation.

It is not my place to use the name of the company owner who shared his methodology and reasoning with me. 


The reason for this post is to raise the user awareness so Roon feels

some pressure, responds and improves their product from a SQ point of view.

Everyone benefits.