Rotel 1090, Odyssey Dual Mono, or Khartago Monos

Looking for an amp to replace my Adcom 555II. My other components are:
Cal Audio Alpha/Delta
Mirage M5si bi polar speakers
Yamaha T-1 tuner.
Vampire Wire and Audio quest interconnects
Medium grade monster speaker cable (bi wired)

Any one have any advice on these three units? Experience?
Any input would be appreciated.
Hi I can vouch for the Rotel RB1090. This amp is tonally well balanced with good freq extension and quite subtle sounding for a very powerful amp (380w p/ch). It drove my current hungry B&W 804 speakers very well. The RB1090 with its slight warm and weighter sound would suit a leaner sounding system. Absolute Sound has rated this amp as a recommend buy.
i have all odyssey stuff and couldnt be happier-2 extreme monos-2 standard monos and a tempest pre-
the 20 warranty is nice also and klaus is a pleasure to deal with-