Rotel Rb 1090 or Rb 1092

I currently use a Rotel rc-1090 pre amp and Anthem MCA 2 200wpc Amp with Paradigm Studio 100v3 speakers. I am looking to upgrade my AMP because 200wpc just is not cutting it in the lower end with these speakers. My question is will a Rotel RB-1090 or a Rotel RB-1092 class D be a better chioce. I have gotten two different opinions from dealers. I listen to mostly 70's and 80's rock and am looking for better kick in the bass area. I see a few used in both for sale but looking for some of your opinions to help with my dilema.
I loved my RB-1090 enough to buy one a second time after selling my first one. I had been down the "upgrade path" and back after owning a couple of other highly respected expensive amps. Low end? Not a problem for this amp-it has a full sound from the bottom up. 380WPC @8 ohms plus low impedance capability doesn't hurt either. Really good for power hungry speakers like the PSB Stratus Goldi's & Revels I used it with for a long time and would probably be great with your Paradigms. Likes a big room. Haven't heard the RB-1092 for comparison.
Mad320, before you go forward purchasing a new amp, I humbly suggest that you play around with speaker placement in your room. Those Paradigm's like a bit of distance from the wall to really sing, maybe start with the closest wall being 3 feet away. I can think of no reason why Anthem and Rotel could not give you the low end you want out of these speakers, that is decent gear - what are you using as a head unit?
I do own the Rotel RB-1080, and I find it to be a very competent amp, but I run a 2.1 system, which is not your situation. I swapped around speaker and sub placement in my office and I got very different sonic results depending on which wall the gear was on.
I have a RB-1090 driving some Ref 100 v2's, and it is fantastic. Low end grip and control to spare. It is the first amp I have had (after cycling through many) that has ZERO strain and effortless power driving the paradigms, waking them up and bringing them to life with a natural, open soundstage. Tight deep bass is truly remarkable - to the extent it has changed my mind about a near-future speaker upgrade and pushed my desire for a subwoofer way down the list.