Fair question.
The known safety and purity of RRL will keep it our primary solution, for now and possibly forever. If RRL cleans a record thoroughly then that record never sees anything else. I'd guess that's about 80% of the records we clean. But what about the other 20%?
As good as they are, SDC and SVW are not universal solvents, at least not in our experience. RRL does not get every record 100% clean, even with multiple applications, vigorous scrubbing and soaking. What to do? Throw a record away just because the safest cleaner can't remove whatever's on it? Playing the record dirty is riskier than trying a different cleaner IMO.
Currently we use Vinyl-zyme, Smart Developments foaming cleaner and Micro Care Premier for these problem cases. AIVS will initially join this stable of fallback products. Time will tell whether it deserves to advance to a more primary position.
Fair question.
The known safety and purity of RRL will keep it our primary solution, for now and possibly forever. If RRL cleans a record thoroughly then that record never sees anything else. I'd guess that's about 80% of the records we clean. But what about the other 20%?
As good as they are, SDC and SVW are not universal solvents, at least not in our experience. RRL does not get every record 100% clean, even with multiple applications, vigorous scrubbing and soaking. What to do? Throw a record away just because the safest cleaner can't remove whatever's on it? Playing the record dirty is riskier than trying a different cleaner IMO.
Currently we use Vinyl-zyme, Smart Developments foaming cleaner and Micro Care Premier for these problem cases. AIVS will initially join this stable of fallback products. Time will tell whether it deserves to advance to a more primary position.