Running Mac + Windows in Parallel?

Every time I ask a PC audio or video question, there seems to be a chorus of fans suggesting I switch to Mac.

I would potentially be interested in doing this for my personal stuff, but its seems a bit of a pain given that all of my work lives in a windows envronment.

I heard recently, however, that Apple may be responding to users like me in that the new machines will run both windows and Mac? Simultaneously?

Does anyone have any experience with this? That might be the ideal solution for me, as even if Mac does run Office etc, I dont really feel like spending money for the Mac compatible software that I already have.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
I have a MacBook with Parallels installed. It’s very cool. Yes, XP can be used like any other program, in it’s own window. Switching between OS X and XP is a simple as reducing the window. Also with a click of a button OS X with disappear and the screen fills completely with XP.

Actually I am not happy with the ease with which my windows machine gets slow and buggy after surfing the web, and I am not happy with the ease of implementing high end audio or video applications compared to the Mac. Which is why I am asking the question.

More specifically, I was asking about what Vegassears and Tvad are talking about - running both environments simultaneously.

I definitely would not be impressed if I had to reboot to switch between operating systems?!

Does anyone know if you can increase RAM or something so both can be run smoothly and efficiently with multiple tasks in both environments?

Thanks for all ideas.
I seem to remember during the install Parallels asked how much RAM memory I wanted to allocate. My Parallels partition is set at 256 mb. My MAC only has 1 gig of ram.
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