Running Springs Audio Duke PC for phono stage?

I was wondering if someone might know if a Running Springs Audio Duke power conditioner could be used on a front end component like my Manley Chinook phono stage. I know the Duke is optimized for amps, but I wonder if it would work just as well for my Chinook.
Thanks for the help and advice.
I can't comment on Running Springs, but Furutech some very nice conditioners that work well on sources. They're not too expensive either. Cable Co has demo units for the whole Furutech line.
+1 to what Roscoeiii says. It should work the same on low current gear as any other RSA product.
I forgot to mention that Cable Co. is a Running Springs dealer. I would ask them to send you a demo.

" I know the Duke is optimized for amps, but I wonder if it would work just as well for my Chinook."

It will work. Its just a matter of how well. A lot of companies make conditioners and cables that are designed to be paired with a single type of component.
Thanks for the help and advice everyone.
I will look into demoing some conditioners through the Cable Company before making any future purchase.