Rush Live in 2013 - Clockwork Angels

Any Rush fans out there? A few of us saw them Sunday in Vancouver, WA and this show propelled into my top five all time most enjoyable concerts, and that includes The Who and Genesis in 1974!

The energy, virtuosity and sheer musical power these guys have...we are lucky to have an honest hard working band that still knows how to write great and perform hreat original material all these years later.

Anyone else see them on this tour? Wow!
I've listened to the album a lot Steve-it doesn't really grab me-it's flawed has some great moments but I really don't think they've got a grip of their production and arguably arrangements in recent years.

It's probably a good/great album of old style vinyl length but over a CD it is too patchy.
I saw this tour in Charlotte from the 7th row, and the sound was terrible. Muddy, indistinct bass, lots of heavy, compressed guitar and a little drums.

Great band, though, and great show. It was my first (my buddy is a Rush freak and splurged for the good tickets) and I was impressed by the musicianship.
Cymbop--better get use to it (terrible sound at live shows).
There are exceptions.
Tostados, I'm a bit of a Phish head, and tend to be impressed with the sound at their arena shows. If you like the rock music, go seem them when they come near you.