S3 Mark II vs Scala Utopia V2

I just came across this showdown from a good friend of mine. He showed me some auctions that are selling each of these speakers for the exact same price for people who heard both of them what do you think about the showdown? Which direction would you go?
Smodtactical, personally we would still recommend the Persona 9H over either of these, as you are getting a speaker with room correction and deeper bass.

However, the Focals sound much more vibrant then the Magicos.

The newer and much larger Grande Utopia Evo 3 were souning spectacular at Axpona however, that was on Naim statement gear which costs $300k.

In our past demos of the non Evo 3 systems that image was not as defined, the newer Focals image way better than the older series.

So if you want a more vibrant sound with a very smooth yet detailed top end Focal.

If you want a more laid back perspective the Magicos.

If you want a speaker which has greater detail with a more precise image and deeper bass just pony up for the Persona 9H which in your country of Canada should be a great deal cheaper than the states.

Happy hunting. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Paradigm dealers
Ah, I believe the OP was asking for posters to comment on the differences between the Magico and the Focal speakers.
@smodtactical I am curious about the pricing of the Persona's in Canada. In my experience NOTHING is cheaper in Canada than in the USA, except pharmaceutical drugs.

I liked the Magico S3 MK11 and was the first Magico I thought I could buy but I thought the price was way too high relative to the quality of others in that price range. I have not considered it at all in my current search for my downstairs space.

BTW - Another Canadian speaker I want to hear is the Muraudio line. I was too lazy to go to the local audio show that had them. Dumb move on my part. Reminds me of the Canadian Mirage speaker which I had some fondness for a long time ago.


@audiotroy  I wouldn't be surprised if 9H out performed either of them. But ya it seems your leaning Focal if it was evo. But this is the old gen. This is the first time someone used laid back and magico in the same sentence. Alon is smiling somewhere. lol

@yyzsantabarbara  these electrostats look interesting would like to hear