Since many SACDs are recorded in 5.1 surround, does anyone know of a decent SACD player that has digital output, similar to the Digital out on a DVD (optical or RCA)? And, does anyone know of a DAC that can handle such an input? Most DACs I have read about are strictly two channel.
kinda of strange question.. but why would want to digital output the sacd signal ????

most sacd d/a sections of sacd players are pretty darn good and better the pcm digital output hands down in the majority of cases...

what kinda makes sense is getting a outboard dac for redbook playback and using the internal dac for sacd playback.. or am i missing something?

The problem with outputing the raw digital signal from an
SACD player to the output isn't a technical one - but a
legal one. The Sony SACD licensing agreement forbids it!!

The concern is that the end user could pirate the digital
data and make high-def digital copies as good as the original.

Therefore, the digital output of the SACD player has to be
either encrypted or output via some proprietary interface
such as those that EMMLabs, dCS, Accuphase,... and others
have defined which allows interconnection between products
by the same manufacturer.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
Thanks for all the info. My question stems from recently obtaining a rather low end universal player (Sony DVPCX995V) It is a juke box I primarily got for holding my DVD collection. Since it also plays SACDs I wanted to see what they were like. I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the DAC in the Juke box was crap and since i am shopping for a new DAC thought I'd try to get one that couldhanlde multi channel input. The other part of the question on good SACD players was more curiosity incase I really liked the format and wanted a better SACD player.