SACD availability

Are SACD discs still being made? Are they an evolutionary dead end? I do not see them in stores like Best Buy. I would love to buy a nice SACD player to replace my CD player but I'm concerned that SACD hasn't taken off and never will. What do you think? Any advice?
SACD discs are mostly classical and jazz but there's still many older rock discs available. I think your best bet is to get a universal player that will play everything including DVDA and maybe Bluray and you'll have all formats covered for a while.
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If you are primarily a classical and jazz listener there is plenty of music out there on SACD as well as new releases coming out. IMO I would not consider a player without SACD capability. But I listening primarily to classical and jazz so I have no problem finding music to purchase. And as Elizabeth points out it appears that only the small / medium size labels are supporting it.