As the owner of an SCD777ES I'll tell you this:
Either run with the big dogs or stay on the porch!
SACD is the best thing that's happened for audiophiles in a long time. This media is phenomenal, and finally reveals the true promice of digital. As to Redbook, it's well known that both the 777 and SCD1 need about 400 hours break-in to sound best. All you high-dollar guys who have to have "insert name" brand expensive SACD player, that's cool, you wait and it will come, but I'll have the last laugh 'cause your $12,000 player has the SAME transport as my 777.
Quit yer whining, and get on with the show. Better sell off that huge money transport/dac now, while you can still get some of your $$$ back.
I do not mean to sound harsh, but the reality is SACD is here to stay, like it or not. I've got over 30 great titles in less than 6 months and growing, and mainstream music stores such as Tower Records are setting up SACD sections in their stores as we speak.As to redbook, it reminds me of an old saying: "The king is dead, long live the king!".