SACD Player Won't Play Hybrid SACDs

A few years ago I purchased a used Sony SCD-C555ES SACD changer. I bought it to use essentially as a CD player run through an external DAC. I have about 500 redbook CDs. A couple of days ago I bought my first SACDs and began playing them. Everything worked fine until tonight. For some reason, the same SACD hybrids that played fine several times will not now play in SACD mode. I get the message "Not Hybrid" and the player defaults to CD mode. I toggle between "Multi and 2 channel" and I get the message "Not SACD." Any ideas?
unfortunately, "years" are centuries in digital. Unless you paid as much as a porsche for a cd player (I only paid as much as a hundai), it usually doesn't pay to repair them. Doesn't pay means alot of different things. To me, it means the inconvenience isn't worth the aggravation with the reward being listening to the same old cd technology. I buy my player form a dealer and he handles everything, and when its so bad that I cant repair it - or it ain't worth it - time to trade up with my dealer. You get a new car every few years... do the same with your cd player.
Agree with Mr_m and Cerrot..
Unless it has a sentimental value of some sort, guess it's time to move on.
But do give 'em that one last try! ;) Good luck.
The reasons I want to hang onto this player are because a few years ago I had about $800 worth of mods done by Matthew Anker of SACD-Mods, it's a solid well built unit and it is an SACD changer. The player sounds great when it works and there ain't no more SACD changers being made. I like the convenience of a changer so, I want to try and save it.
The individual that I bought the laser assemblies from is going to replace them. This for sure will be my last try.
jjeepers did you ever get resolution? I have the same problem it still sounds nice in straight cd as now using an out board DAC. Don't know if I should move on or try and fix it?  Thank you
I miss Matt Anker and those other modders from the mid-2000's.
Hope you guys get your spinners fixed.