SACD vs DVD audio vs 24/96..??

Now that there is SACD player #3 (Marantz SA CD-1 for a mere $7500) with a whopping 24 titles to choose from in SA-CD format, and 24/96 & DVD just coming in to age. What format will survive? Will they RIP like the Sony Beta video, or DAT formats and the MD formats? Will the audiophile of today have the saying "Long live the 44khz 16 bit format", as we said 15 years ago "Long live analog"?
Actually if you count the 2 Sony units there are 4 players on the market. The SCD-1, 777-ES, Marantz and the Accuphase DP100 and DAC. I heard the Accuphase this weekend, it is quite an impressive unit, as it should be for the combination price of 26,500.00. I will stick with my SCD-1 and use the other $21k for a down payment on my next home. Regards, Mike
There is no reason why they both can't survive. We've seen it with SBM vs. HDCD vs. XRCD vs. MoFi gold CD's. Each have their strengths. My only problem is the mutually exclusive formats. They really should figure out a way to incorporate DSD (not SACD, but the underlying digital representation) into DVD-Audio, then have the player be able to play both. The cheaper ones will probably use PCM DAC's, and convert the DSD to the equivalent PCM, the higher end ones will have separate DAC's and figure out which one to use, and the highest end ones might even have separate outs.
I don't want any junk DVD-A capabilities with my SACD player. Only an idiot would want another inferior capability (it already plays CDs).
if you think audio dvd and sacd are going to be offered side-by-side on japanese players, you just don't understand the politics. ain't gonna happen.
Sony has a new DVD player to be released soon, the DVP-9000ES will have a 12 bit video DAC, progressive scan, AND.... SACD for under $1500. I wouldn't mind DVD-A capability (even if inferior to SACD), if only for the eventual availability of more titles in a high resolution format, but unless you are willing to spend $5000, you can't have it yet. I believe there is a Pioneer multi-format machine available in Japan and soon to be here. If the Sony player has video quality at least the equal of Pioneers' new DV-37 then I will be very, very happy to gain a SACD player for little more than a good DVD player costs. I have spoken with the head of DCS sales in America, and he said that the SACD format is based on the same ring technology as their Elgar. I am looking forward to having that level of quality at 10% of the price my friends have paid for their DCS gear. I am not saying their investment was not wise. The upsampling ability of the DCD Delios and Purcell are great, and I don't expect Sony to do anything more than an adequate job in the "redbook" CD section of thier DVD player, but I would sure like to hear my system with the best possible input. That would help to make the effort that I have made to achieve the best system within my means seem more sensible and even more rewarding.