Salamander Cabinet Resonance Problem. Help

Hey guys, I just got a Salamander Twin 30 audio cabinet. It looks great and has a very high wife acceptance factor. The only problem is that the black steel mesh sides and front panels resonate even when I am just talking. I can't hear the reverbation when the stereo is playing but I'm sure that it is smearing the sound. Everything is tightened but the side panels just slide into the rails. You just can't get them tight. I don't want to remove the mesh side panels because of the WAF and they cost a pretty penny. I got the mesh panels because I wanted the ventalation for my tube gear. I don't use the supplied solid black back panels. What can be done that won't affect the looks, but deaden the vibration? Thanks, Jim
I don't think that my mesh side panels are wrapped in rubber like some of yours. I have a lot of wiggle room between the mesh and the Aluminum rails. They just bang around. They are free to move left, right, up, down, and in and out. I don't think that the rubber does anything to stop movement on my unit. Is the rubber attached to the side panels or does it come separately?

I too have a new baby that is just learning the crawl at an alarming rate. I bought the cabinet prior to the baby, but I'm glad to have the extra protection. Thanks for the help.
Sorry to tell you, but I made a Salamander 40 knock-off for a 1/4 of the price that salamander charges.

Frame World, 80/20 are just 2 companies that sell the hardware that is exactly what the frame stiles are made of.(as well as any thing you could imagine building with the stuff)
Rather than the 3/4" selves, I used 2"x18"x20" maple cutting boards "cut down" for shelves and had the top/bottom custom made of 3" maple so the shelves are recessed as the Salamanders are. The mesh can be had had numerous places(mcmaster carr).
I put a Rubber snubber tween each shelve and "mesh" to deaden the "rattle", I would try "Home- Lowes" for a rubber snubbers to place between each shelve and the mesh

imagination is endless, j
I have a Twin 40 and purposefully ordered it without any doors, sides, or back panels, which I knew would just resonate. Next I am replacing all the corner shelf supports with the heavy-duty bracket-type supports to strengthen the overall structure by adding crossmembers. I got this rack for its appearance, adjustability, capacity, accessability, and mobility (including the Saturn wheels), not for its rigidity or inertness, which are always going to be just so-so.