Sam here and l just made a new discovry.

O.k this indirectly relates to music as i'm using frequencies.Using my multimeter on the hertz setting i discovered that canned food no matter what it is always measures at 0 hz and 0 hz means the food is dead and when i test fresh organic produce it measures between 20 and 25 hz and is alive, so i used my tone generator set at 20 hz using a clip running from the tone generator and clipped onto the metal lip of the canned good for 1 minute and take a second reading with the multimeter and now the food measures at 20 hz the same as the fresh organic produce even though the food has been sitting in a can for a year.This may be nothing however it may be something.
@asvjerry - what do you feed an 18 foot tall pigeon?
Whatever the heck it wants!

Whoah, toasted sandwiches on fans? A great new scent for the house? Is it patent-able?
I strongly suggest a psychologist.  Better yet, a psychiatrist because they can legally prescribe drugs that can help with psychosis.

Dude, you are way out there...