Sanders ESL Power Amp & Mono blocks

I would be interested to hear feedback from users of the Sanders amplifiers. In particular, why you chose this amp and what else you considered at the time? Further, did you also acquire Sanders Pre-amp or opt for another manufacturer? If another manufacturer who?

I have some power hungry full range planars (84dB sens) to feed.
Had the ESL amp.It was spectacular with a digital source.Fed by analog,it never had the magic.I understand that Roger uses digital as his source.I understand that there were problems with the Kilo-watt amps.I had read HPs' review and took a listen.My set-up required monos,so Roger set me up with mono'd ESLs.
I used mine with a tube pre (Terrasong).
Hi Tpsonic,

Roger strongly prefers SS to tubes and suggests that his own SS pre is a good partner. His view on the SS vs. tube debate is interesting because he has actually designed both. His view is that valves DO sound better than transistors, but only in amplifiers that are clipping. When both valve and transistor amplifiers (and preamplifiers) are operating within their design parameters and not clipping, he maintains that they can (and usually do) sound identical.

What digital source are you now using? Still the Gamut?
Kiwi 1282001, Yes,still the Gamut CD3.
Roger had a local designer build his iTube units and had him working on a tube pre.I believe that whole deal fell apart after Roger no longer controlled Innersound.Only 3-4 iTubes were built.I believe Roger has one and a few customers.
When I had the amps,I was using a modified Mark Brassfield/MSB design trans/dac combo.