Schiit amps, freya preamp

Is schiit good co for amps and preamps? Like smaller size
My experience retubing Schiit products has been a nightmare. Perhaps the new units are better in this regard. I think reliability is questionable as well.
When someone says their experience with a product has been a "nightmare", some details would be helpful. 
Very happy with Freya+ for years now.
Have none of the negative issues cited above.
Run it packed with single ended and balanced connections.
Prefer tube mode.
Runs warm as it should.
Fair enough. Over a 2 year period the only noise and microphonics complaints I got were from owners of Schiit products. Worse the noise problems were unusual in that they were not the typical hiss or rush you normally get. Keep in mind that I noise and microphonics test all of my preamp tubes (in this case I believe they were 6SN7s and perhaps 12AU7s) and they do not come back except in very rare instances. Also I am retubing equipment of much higher quality and that is significantly more expensive. To be fair, I havent retubed a Schiit component in over 2 years. 

Hey gochurchgo.....Mr Republican! Really?  
I've got a Saga+ and the tube on that has zero microphonics or noise. It is as quiet a preamp as I've ever had, solid state or tube. But, to each their own.