My Schiit Saga came in the mail today and after several hours of listening, I am extremely pleased. I had been using My NAD C326bee’s preamp section with my Nuforce sta200.
What a difference! It sounded like a vale had been lifted from my Zu Omen’s. There wasn’t a huge difference between the passive and active preamp, but I plan to buy the Early Russian 6H8C from Upscale audio in my search for a tad more warmth. What a great little preamp for $350.00. My next step is to upgrade my Peachtree Dac-itI and some interconnects. I appreciate and welcome all comments! Thanks again!
What a difference! It sounded like a vale had been lifted from my Zu Omen’s. There wasn’t a huge difference between the passive and active preamp, but I plan to buy the Early Russian 6H8C from Upscale audio in my search for a tad more warmth. What a great little preamp for $350.00. My next step is to upgrade my Peachtree Dac-itI and some interconnects. I appreciate and welcome all comments! Thanks again!