Schiit Saga which tubes to order?

I was thinking about ordering the Tung-sol 6sn7 and the LISST. Anyone heard the LISST?
My Schiit Saga came in the mail today and after several hours of listening, I am extremely pleased. I had been using My NAD C326bee’s preamp section with my Nuforce sta200.
What a difference! It sounded like a vale had been lifted from my Zu Omen’s. There wasn’t a huge difference between the passive and active preamp, but I plan to buy the Early Russian 6H8C from Upscale audio in my search for a tad more warmth. What a great little preamp for $350.00. My next step is to upgrade my Peachtree Dac-itI and some interconnects. I appreciate and welcome all  comments! Thanks again!

That's great news!!  How do the stock tubes sound in your system?

I have a pair of the early Russian tubes from Upscale; a good price for some very decent tubes. Kevin's description is spot on; an "airy" top-end and very revealing.
   If you want to add some warmth, try some early RCA 6SN7GT's or GTB's. They have that classic tube sound with wide soundstaging and great dynamics. Very organic.

Thanks lowrider57.It ads a touch of warmth. It will be interesting to note if it sounds different in a couple of days.
My Schiit Freya is a great sounding thing. I now have a pile of NOS and other 6SN7GTBs, and am currently using NOS RCAs in the "first" input position and NOS Sylvania "Chrome Domes" as for me.