Doug,actually I believe the cheap wine I brought to Larry's place may have been partly responsible for the disappointing amount of correspondence he and I have had(I was pretty sad about that,for awhile,but I've gotten good at rationalizing).Hey,it did cost me eleven bucks-:)I drink it all the time,but I guess those hoity toity "Florida 'Philes" are used to something special.Like GOOD stuff.Not found in Joisey.
BTW--You might want to re-think any invites,for me.I wouldn't want to go off again(and what a "putz" I was)on some stupid misalignment,like antiskate,or God forbid,something else I might find.Though I'm fairly sure your set-up is just fine!As to me,you know the story of "the frog and the scorpion"?I've tried really hard to be a frog,for the last few months,but why tempt me?
BTW-You're still a nice guy,even though I'm "southwest" of NYC,and not "northeast",where you'll find the more "Normal" audiophile fare!And believe me,I'm tempted to make a trip,as my friggin amp is in for maintenance,as well as my table,which is in for an update.As my friends say--I'm hi-fi dry!
BTW--You might want to re-think any invites,for me.I wouldn't want to go off again(and what a "putz" I was)on some stupid misalignment,like antiskate,or God forbid,something else I might find.Though I'm fairly sure your set-up is just fine!As to me,you know the story of "the frog and the scorpion"?I've tried really hard to be a frog,for the last few months,but why tempt me?
BTW-You're still a nice guy,even though I'm "southwest" of NYC,and not "northeast",where you'll find the more "Normal" audiophile fare!And believe me,I'm tempted to make a trip,as my friggin amp is in for maintenance,as well as my table,which is in for an update.As my friends say--I'm hi-fi dry!