Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??

My quest continues for the "right" speaker. I am looking for a good match for my current system. All ARC with a VT100MKII (100watt per ch) amp. I don't want to go any bigger with the amp (not any time soon) It sounds really good with my Martin Logans, but I am looking for more low end and mid bass. I listen to rock, classic rock, and jazz mostly. I want something that I can listen too for hours at low volume without fatigue. And for it to be musical and engaging with good bass response at lower volume. I occasionally get loud. My room is about 15x22 with a vaulted ceiling. Its hard for me to demo these where I live, I have heard and like the B&W 804 or 803 ,really like the look. And I like the Wilson Sophia which at its used price would be about my spending limit. Thank you
Why do I think this is a trap...hmmm.
OK, and these are my ears only--except for comments mentioned later.
But, after the ML's which are VERY nice and neutral sounding through the, lightning fast...with very low coloration...the B&W's have very identifiable colorations...the Kevlar has a distinctive mid range 'honk' (not my description, but a well referenced call by many). I hear that, don't like it.
Then...there's the lack of coherence (NOT a problem with the ML) from the lower mid, all the way through the high frequencies...with a delicate top on the ML's...not a strength in the B&W's.
Maybe I'm too hard on the B&W's...but I have to say...after designing the LSA's...then taking a pair of $1K speakers into a store...comparing them ON THE FLOOR...people crowding around...shocked beyond belief at the disparity in sound between my humble little speakers and the $3K 805' was very telling.
I asked can, why would all these heady engineers at B&W design a speaker that sounds like that? With such obvious colorations?
Then there's me...NOT AN ENGINEER...armed only with ears...(sounds weird) who can voice a speaker that just kills theirs that costs three times the price. How can that be?
Not a fan...B&W's...if you love them, that's great...great...everyone likes a flavor...I like 'neutral'...they're not.
Hope I didn't shoot anyone in the foot...especially myself!

Good listening,
Hi Vdosc,

My experience is that with almost al speakers (priced for mortals) a subwoofer is mandatory in order to have good bass when listening at low levels. Luckily you have a sub already. Also, often floorstanders need to be cracked up a bit in order to open up (I talk here about midrange and high frequencies). Thus, IMO for listen sessions at low levels one is better off with a pair of good monitors and a sub than with a floorstander.

Regarding your question, i.e. B&W vs. Wilson, the Sophias are much better speakers than the B&W models you've considered. Also, being more dynamic than the B&Ws, the Sophia will most likely play better at lower volumes.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Happy new year to everyone!
The sophias will provide better bass at lower volumes than most high end speakers on the market today. Plus the Sophias excel at just about every aspect of musical expresion. I see no downside to Sophias based on Vdose's needs.
Larry, don't worry. No trap here. Just glad to hear a civil comment about the B&W's. Yes I own a pair of the "infamous" 802D's. I also have heard the midrange coloration you have heard, but I found out that experimenting with different interconnects seemed to tame that a bit. Seems like some of the regulars in this forum have a very strong feeling about their loudspeakers of choice. I've been in this hobby for forty years now and by what I have read about audio, I still have alot to learn. I recently went to a highend store in the mid-west. Listened to Wilsons both Sasha and Sophia 3's, Spendors, and Vandersteen 5A Carbons, only to have them all obliterated by a Pair of Magnaplanar 3.7's with a Rel Gibraltor 2 sub woofer. My point is how do you make a rational choice and feel you have not wasted your money on the wrong product? This is especially true for guys like me with limited funds. Anyway, thanks for the resonse.