Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning

I have a rather high-end system (Accuphase, Krell, Proceed and Wadia electronics with Revel Ultima 5.1 speaker system and mainly Transparent Audio cabling). I am now trying to “complete” my system by incorporating power conditioning. What I am thinking of doing is introducing balanced power, noise reduction, power supplementation, surge protection and voltage regulation. The specific components I am most seriously thinking about using are the SMART Home Theater GC-120 for balanced power and voltage regulation, the Shunyata Hydra for noise reduction, and the Richard Gray Power Company for power supplementation and surge protection.

I am intending to connect them in a daisy-chain fashion: GC-120 into the wall plug, with the Hydra plugged into the GC-120 and the Richard Grays into the adjacent wall plugs and/or the Hydra, depending on the application (my Krell FBP-200c is plugged into its own circuit via a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and PS Audio Mini-lab power cord).

What I am seeking is the opinions of others regarding this proposal. Will it work? Am I chosing compatible products, etc?

Thank you.

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Steve's suggestion is a good, if pricey one. Audition the Power Plant by all means, along with some others. I tend to be a skeptic about many things but clean power isn't one of them. VERY easy to demonstrate improvements. OTOH, in my opinion, anyway, one maxes out on improvement long before one maxes out on potential expenditure. The best advice, as always, is....

Do you like it? Can you afford it? Then buy it.

But, man, don't string all that stuff together. Not only is it conspicuous consumption gone mad but the complex interactions could well defeat what you are trying to achieve.

I've heard the Equi=tech balanced power conditioners are excellent and don't run hot like ps audio

Roger Nichols swears by them and has Steely Dan use their power boxes on tour

that says enough for me
Try the Stealth unit. The SoundApplication used to be the top line until Stealth came along.
The SoundApplication was already a giant step ahead from the PS Audio products and now Stealth, made by Audiomagic, is the ruling king of all power conditioners.
The Stealth is all you need.
You may want to try something that filters in parallel to the power, instead of something that gets in the way. Examples are the Audio Prism Quiet Line, Richard Gray Model 400, or Blue Circle Noisehound.
You really ought to check this out: I've owned this unit for over two years, run all of my source equipment off of it and my Rowland Model 12 mono blocks. It does amazing things and does nothing to degrade the sound. Far better than the Tice IIIC, PS Audio P-300 (compared use on source equipment only) and multiple PS Audio Ultimate Outlets.

Also, I haven't heard the Virtual Dynamics power cords, but there are a lot of positive comments on them at the Cable Asylum - the company claims that its customers are replacing their line conditioners with the cords. Check them out at They currently sell their cables direct at one-half the prices shown on their web site.