Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS

I am just curious, why charging buyer, in such a blatant way, for PayPal service that SELLER is enjoying? If those 2-3% will 'impoverish' given seller, why not including them in selling price? As a matter of principal, i'll never buy from such a seller!
Questions, I am currious:

(1)If it won't impoverish the seller because it is so small, why does it impoverish you the buyer?

(2)How much time and money do you spend running around to get a money order/cashiers check, plus postage/envelopes; and why is this preferrable to you, rather than paying 3% more and getting the item shipped the next or same day?

(3)If the seller could just raise the price 3% to cover the fee, why are you unable to offer 3% less?

4)If someone asking for the 3% was selling a rare piece of gear you've always wanted to own, but could not find, at a price so low, it is the deal of the century even with the 3%, would you not buy it as a matter of pricipal?

In the past, I was selling quite a few MFSL CDs on ebay. I encouraged the use of PayPal. After all, it was quick and free!!! Now that there is a 2.9% fee, I think it really depends on the situation. If the seller is really needing money and doesn't want to wait for a money order, he should be willing to pay the fee. If the buyer is really in a hurry for the product and doesn't want to wait, he should pay the fee. These two cases assume that the other doesn't care about the time frame of the transaction. If both the buyer and the seller want the benefit of a fast transaction, maybe they should split the fee.