Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS

I am just curious, why charging buyer, in such a blatant way, for PayPal service that SELLER is enjoying? If those 2-3% will 'impoverish' given seller, why not including them in selling price? As a matter of principal, i'll never buy from such a seller!
Bradz-He probably turned you down because you don't have that clk55 yet ;) But seriously I don't understand why a seller would turn you down, some people are weird(in particular in this hobby).
When I buy gear I don't mind paying the extra 2.9% PayPal fee. I look at it as a big time saver - I don't have to stand in line at the bank, pay the fee for a Cashiers Check, then stand in line at the Post Office, find change for the parking meeter, pay to insure the package and pay for postage. And then wait in Agony to hear back from the seller once the funds are received.

Instead, I sit in the convenience of my office - log on to PayPal and just hit "send money" and its done.

Of course there is a value curve with PayPal use. If I am purchasing something which costs more than "x" dollars, I consider if it would be more cost effective to spend the time and energy to get a cashiers check and mail vs. absorbing the PayPal fees.

Guess it depends on how much you value your time.

For purchases under $1000 PayPal's 2.9% fee is a relatively "fair" price for the service - given the alternatives.
Wouldn't seller, that charges that %, be charged by paypal % on top of that? If product you are selling is $100, and buyer pays $103, paypal will charge % on $103, which will be higher than $100? What is the point?
I just had an experience where the debit card that I had previously used charge free (to seller or buyer) on PayPal is now considered a credit card. A seller denied my payment based on the fee charged to the seller. I have asked them for clarification from PayPal; they list a PayPal debit card as a category now. Are they a bank or credit card company?
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