Separates w/internal phono vs Integrated + phono

Given the same amount of money say $8-10k what is the better way to go? Separates with an internal phono or an integrated with a stand alone phono? Anyone done reasonable comparisons, is it just trade offs or is there a clear winner? A really good phono can make a huge difference but can it fully shine through an integrated?
Only problem with that plan is I won't know how it sounds through an integrated until that comes into the picture. Finding a better phono stage isn't my objective its in context of downgrading from separates.
07-13-13: Musichead
Seems like a logical comparison and I understand some of integrates are very good now but can some of them perform as good as the separates?

Absolutely!! There are many integrated amps out there that will outperform separates in the same price range, in fact I have heard integrated amps hold their own with separates costing 2-3 times as much money. I owned a $6500 integrated amp that came surprisingly close to $27,000 in separates. The separates will provide more flexibility though, but at a cost.
Thanks, jmcgrogan2

Curious what integrates you considered and what you settled with? I understand the phono options with my front end, the tt manufacture and us distributor recommend the Tron phono for the tt and xv-1s.
@Jmcgrogan2, what are you running these days? It seems like I recall you being into VAC?