Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.
Tom (Twl) I know you're being sarcastic and I know you are not referring to me. For the other two "experts" I will say that Tom's reputation for having REAL knowledge and experience in the field of audio, AND a willingness to share it is beyond reproach. They (he) will never answer your question because they (he) has no real knowledge. To mask that fact, they (he) will only offer lame excuses as to why they won't (probably something to do with being superior and not being bothered to stoop to your level).

And let me ask you this Mr. Kevinkwann. How do you KNOW advice given here is wrong? You say "more listen". Have you HEARD the K & K? Have you HEARD the Bent? Have you HEARD the Cotter? Have you HEARD the Granite. I have, except for the Cotter, and many others. If you haven't, you have no business telling others that their advice is bad. If you HAVE heard them, WHY is suggesting them bad advice? WHAT would YOU suggest instead. Waiting for a constructive reply which I doubt will come.

Oh, surprise. In viewing your SIX other posts, they ALL have the same character as Romy's many. Same sarcastic. same critical with no support or alternatives. Same idiocy. Are you guys clones, both just as vile as the other, or maybe the same person?
Yes, David, you got me right. Just being sarcastic to the comments from the peanut gallery. I was also targeted as being "not qualified" to give decent advice. Interestingly enough, apparently so was Mr. Hagerman(Hagtech), who makes a very nice phono stage that is quite highly regarded by many. I guess none of us are up to Romy's high standards. :^)
Excuse me... I hate to break in on this raging debate and name-calling but I still have questions related to the original premise of this thread ... namely the merits of a separate phono stage vs. transformer.
I recently had the pleasure of listening to Doug Deacon's excellent system which features the Bent audio transformers with a CJ PV11. I went the separate phono stage route with a Sonic Frontiers SFP1 Signature and my CJ PV10A. My PV10A has a MM phono stage, so I could use it with a Bent or other step-up transformer. Any opinions as to how this would compare with the current set-up? My only disatisfaction with the current setup is gain is a bit low (57DB + 18DB line stage.The PV10 phono stage has 48.5DB gain)
P.S. - all opinions accepted without prejudice... just be nice!
“ I still have questions related to the original premise of this thread ... namely the merits of a separate phono stage vs. transformer.”


There are two things: the question you asked and the answer you are wiling to accept.

You asked a fairly global and fairly serious question about contribution of the properly implemented magnetic core into signal path at MC level but all that you want to hear, as an answer is a positive reinforcement to buy or not the specific “product”.

There is a big different between a specific product and marginal capacity of class/topology. You did not ask: I have my Helikon and CJ phonocorrectors, so will the Bent’s transformer good enough or bad enough to handle my cartridge and my correctors. Instead you asked a genetic quest, and as usually you received in response the ”wisdom” of the Patricia Barber’s subscribers drooling over the black boxes that they have home on their shelves and bitching about whatever they never heard. If you would like to have a useful help you should learn to ask the intelligent questions or at least to make in your question the correction for the “intelligence” of the local “advisers”.

I wish you the best luck on your journey,
Romy the Cat