SET Lovers, what's the one solid state amp you love(d)?

I'm thinking of trying out a solid state amp in place of my 300B SET, which is giving me some problems again and the builder is swamped so it's going to be awhile.

Suggestions? Speakers are 96dB 12" 2-way bass reflex studio monitors from a Japanese recording studio.


Researching the CODA big time right now. The fact that it's shelf size is a big factor. I have limited space.

we sell sets no solid state amplifier wull sound the same

and we a l so sell solid state amps from peachtree coda krell and naim


Dave and troy 

Audio intellect nj

To be safe, not knowing anything else, go with Pass Labs.   If the cost is too high, go for the Pass-designed First Watt amps.  This would be my default position.  More info might lead you to more specialized solutions.  

If your speakers are over 90dB, some would say First Watt is preferable to Pass.