set up question cambridge

I recently purchased a cambridge 840e and 840w. My speakers are sonus faber grand piano home. My question is I need to set the volume control at the -30 level about 2'o clock leval to have any real volume to my speakers (scale -96 to zero). On my previous amp peachtree decco 50w the volume set at 9 o'clock was the same as the cambridge unit 200w. I checked the connections a couple of times and it appears to be correct. It just appears the cambridge unit has a somewhat muted sound or something is not right with the unit. Any reccomendations to trouble shoot this will be appreciated.
I could be off target but The Sonus Farber probably needs a whole lot more power..Its possible theres just not enough power there to light them up...........
I think there is something wrong with your amp; you should not have to turn it up that much to get a similar volume. In terms of loudness, the difference between a 50W and a 200W amp is not that much.
Sounds like a loading issue to the cartridge. What is the preamp output ohms to the cartridge?
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