Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.

Shakti Stones: Does this work?

Where are you placing them if you only had one or two?
What is it doing to your system?

I need some straight answers please!
I can hear a difference in Powercords and cables and all others for sure, CONES and isolations devices work but depending, on my Table, you bet! On my amplifier I am not sure. so......any inputs are appreciated

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Since I know full-well that some enjoy mockery rather than trying anything remotely being characterized as a tweak which I think is ridiculous, I will enter this fray. I once had ten Shakti Stones. Now I have none. I found that I could not predict the circumstances were they had a positive effect, a negative effect, or no effect. All three happened to me.

Some times they would steal all dynamics out of the sound, sometimes they would reduce the noise level in the music, and sometimes they did absolutely nothing. At one point I concluded that they could be nowhere near the signal. Often this proved impossible. I gave up.

I should say that I have had a similar experience with quartz disks, such as the Acoustic Revive QR-8s and RIQ-5010s. There no question that under some circumstances they are very effective, in others totally terrible, and in yet others have no effect.

So, yes they can work. Where you may get great differences is unknown. All that I can really say is that, like me, you may get frustrated with the trial and error.
Hi all ! Of course they work , they are system dependant . Usually anything on top of components that has some weight to them will tighten bass and "lower" the sound overall . Anything under , like feet or blocks of wood will generally "raise" the pitch a little and add more highs .The best approach is to use a little of everything....wood ,brass , etc .