Shelter 501 or Denon 103 with SME - Anyone tried ?

Hi, has anyone tried it??
To my info SME does not recommend cart with so low compliance.

I would appreciate to know if anyone tried one of the two and which outcome he would report.
One has to be careful with arm-cartridge compliance mismatches, especially in marginal acoustical situations. There are plenty of cartridges out there that are sonically good in this price range that will meet the system requirements you describe. Feedback can become more of a problem than users are likely to admit or perceive. I have my phono gear in a separate room from the rest of my system. It is suspended from the structural wall and the phono preamp drives a balanced cable to the preamp. Even with everything else ok from a compliance point, these are some steps to consider if you want optimum performance from your "record player."
I have used Shelter 501 with SME309 and SME VI with good result. Currently using Shelter 901 with SME 309 and SME VI.
I have a 309 arm and have used both the 501 and the 901 on a VPI mk IV table. No problems what so ever. I purchased the shelter's from Red Rose in NYC. Great cartridge for the money.