Cartridges of 22-30cu compliance tend to perform best on fairly low mass tonearms. That is not the case with a ZYX. On a low mass arm (say < 10g eff. mass) a ZYX tends to sound lifeless and bass shy. Instead of the arm stabilizing the cartridge, the (relatively stiff) suspension wags the arm.
ZYX's sound best on mid-weight tonearms, roughly 11-20 grams or so. Optimal performance (fullest bass and dynamics without overdriving the cantilever) seems to occur on arms in the 15-18gm range.
FWIW, resonance tests using the HFN&RR test record and my TriPlanar (~11g eff. mass) put a ZYX's vertical and horizontal compliance in the "desirable" 10-11Hz range - as expected. A 22-30cu cartridge on this arm resonates at higher frequencies.
Note: all this is with ZYX's that had the optional "SB" weight. A ZYX without that weight would only be optimal on a fairly massy tonearm, say 20gm or above.
ZYX's sound best on mid-weight tonearms, roughly 11-20 grams or so. Optimal performance (fullest bass and dynamics without overdriving the cantilever) seems to occur on arms in the 15-18gm range.
FWIW, resonance tests using the HFN&RR test record and my TriPlanar (~11g eff. mass) put a ZYX's vertical and horizontal compliance in the "desirable" 10-11Hz range - as expected. A 22-30cu cartridge on this arm resonates at higher frequencies.
Note: all this is with ZYX's that had the optional "SB" weight. A ZYX without that weight would only be optimal on a fairly massy tonearm, say 20gm or above.