Shelter cartridges...Any thoughts?

I seem to have a passion for the underground, un-reviewed kind of audio most times and these cartridges seem like the real deal. But, rather than blow the dough on something that is not going to deliver the performance, I thought that I would see if some Audiogon folks would chime in. The Lyra Helikon was my other choice...but I don't know anything about the 90x...the 500mk2 and 900 have reviews by one or two guys...HELP!
With a proper arm, you can't go wrong with a Shelter cartridge. I agree with Craig, and with David's assessment above. I use a 501 and like it very much. I use a modified OL Silver tonearm with it. They make a good match, OL/Shelter.

Of course, there are other good cartridges, but Shelter is very tough to beat for the money.
My only thought is that you can't have mine, though you're certainly welcome to come over and listen!

Shelter 901/OL Silver/Twl's HIFI Mod/Teres 265

Agree with David on OL's QC, but not to worry if you buy new from a reputable source. OL stands behind the product. I received a wonky VTA adjuster with my new arm and it was replaced lickety-split.
The table it would be going into is a VPI hw19mk4(all tnt mods) with a ET 2.5 arm...if that makes any difference. I think that the mass ratio for the arm/cartridge will work...and it sounds like this thing is worth giving a try. I was very impressed with the Helikon's sound on many tables at Brooks Berdan's shop in the LA area...but alot of people are saying that this is a largely underated cartridge company. Thanks for your time...and if any of you are in the LA area, I'd love to hear the cartridge in a setup.

Thanks for your time...J
This is my setup Teres 255/ET2/901 and this sounds great, you will need to let the Shelter 901 break-in for about 50-70 hours before it really starts to sing. The 901 is a good match for the ET2 or ET2.5 just make sure you have the right armtube.
