Shoot-out Klyne 7xp3.5 vs IO Signature

Just picked up a Klyne 7xp3.5 phono pre. Will be positioning it against The Aesthetix Io signature with 2 supplies and volume controls.

I may try going solid state for a while if the Klyne works out. I have admired these for sometime. Any other users of the illusive Klyne?

Hope this will be interesting. Stay tuned.

Nkj, Would you care to tell us what amp and speakers you are using, what music you prefer, etc? As far as I can tell your system is not posted. Thanks.
Anyone here ever compare the Klyne to the Pass Xono?

I should really post my system. For now:

· Oracle V
· Garrard 301 here:
· Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, Lyra Helikon, Benz Ruby 2
· Aesthetix Io Signature, 2 supplies, with volume controls
· Wyetech Topaz 211C
· Berning ZH-270
· Quad ESL Piquet refurb. and Quad USA monitors
· Valhalla cables

An admiration for vintage too with:

· Futterman H3
· Citation II
· Marantz 2
· Others

Music taste run to jazz, vocal and will rock out from time to time. The bass "quality" with the Esl’s is quite good.

Anyone here ever compare the Klyne to the Pass Xono?

Yes, I did.
In my System.
Care to elaborate Syntax?

Additonally, how would you describe the Phantom vs. Triplanar, vs. Grandenza from a practicality, robustness and tone perspective?

Looking for a new arm on the 301.. thanks,
Nkj, Great system. Have you tried the Futterman H3s on the Quads? Our tastes in equipment are somewhat congruent, as I am using Atma-sphere MP1 preamp and Atma amps to drive Sound Lab M1s and have owned Quads, KLH9s, Futtermans, etc. My closest audio buddy in this area uses Berning ZH270s (a pair in mono configuration) to drive Acoustats. This is not so off-topic, since it convinces me you may be on to something with the Klyne.